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Q: Is England bigger or british Columbia?
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Which is bigger British Columbia or Alberta?

British Columbia is about 3.5 times bigger.

Is Quebec bigger than British Columbia?

No, British Columbia is bigger than Quebec in terms of land area. British Columbia is the third largest province in Canada, while Quebec is the second largest.

What time is it in British Columbia when it is 1 AM in London England?

When it is 1 AM in London, England, it is typically 5 PM in British Columbia, Canada. The time difference between London and British Columbia is typically 8 hours, with British Columbia being 8 hours behind London.

What provinces is bigger Egypt or the Canadian provinces?

Canadian provinces are bigger (example: British Columbia is a province that is bigger)

How many times does France fit into british Columbia?

France is roughly 18 times smaller in land area compared to British Columbia.

Is british Columbia bigger than the UK?

Yes. British Columbia is 944,735 square kilometers (364,764 square miles). The United Kingdom is 244,820 sq. km., or 94,526 square miles in size. So B.C. is nearly four times larger than the U.K. (3.86 times bigger).

What is bigger Ontario or British Columbia?

Ravena Maharajh is so awesome Nathan Kress should see her

Is british Columbia bigger than Alaska?

No, while British Columbia is ladder than all of the contagious of the U.S. states it borders (including Montana) it's northern neighbor Alaska has beat. Take that Canada.

What was British Columbia before it became part of Canada?

It was a colony of England. It was part of a region called British North America until 1858, at which time Queen Victoria made it into a crown colony, and gave it the name British Columbia.

Is the british isles bigger than the UK?

the British isles is the UK. Scotland England wales and northern Ireland.

Which Canadian province is directly north of the state Washington?

British Columbia is directly north of Washington state.

What is Canada's Pacific province?

Canada's Pacific province is the British Columbia.