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i think it is bigger than England i don't really know

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Egypt is much bigger than England

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Q: Is Egypt a big or small country compared to England?
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Is Egypt a big or small country with England?

Egypt is big compared to England

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Egypt is a bigger country than England in terms of land area. Egypt is approximately 3.5 times larger than England.

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Is Egypt bigger or smaller than England?

AnswerUnited Kingdom has 244.820 square kilometers of land whileEgypt has 1.001.450 square kilometers of land.What is the answer in miles or kilometers???

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Egypt @ 1,002,450 square km UAE @ 83,600 aquare km

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England is a small country.

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No, England is a comparively small country.

Is Europe in Egypt?

No. Europe is a continent. Egypt is a country. Egypt is mostly in Africa and is generally considered to be an African country, but a small part of it is in Asia.

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Egypt is the country that agreed to maintain a small army and navy. As of 2013, Egypt is a very large country that has a population of over 84,550,000.

Is France a small or a big country?

Asking such a question implies a comparative. It is big compared to some countries and small compared to others.

Is Egypt a continent?

Egypt is found at the northeast corner of the continent of AFRICA, but the Suez Canal, which runs north to south inside of Egypt forms the border between Africa and Asia. Therefore, the Sinai Peninsula, which is on the east bank of the Suez Canal is in ASIA, specifically, southwest Asia.Long story short, mostly in Africa, but a little bit in Asia.

Is Asia the Continent of Egypt?

A very small part of Egypt is part of Asia, but most of Egypt is part of Africa and Egypt is generally considered to be an African country.