Cuba is a communist country with a dictator, Fidel Castro. Cuba is a one party communist state, there is only one legal political party, the Cuban Communist Party (PCC).
The only time communism was practiced on the Earth was in the prehistoric time when men were living in caves. Men were hunting and women were preparing meals and taking care of children. Everything was shared within community. Communism ended with first slave. All socialist countries are run by communist.
Cuba is the perfect example of a Communist/ Socialist country in the Caribbean.
Examples: China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba.
Socialist Party of the Island of Cuba was created in 1906.
Popular Socialist Party - Cuba - ended in 1961.
why is cuba called a socialist republic with one legislative house why is cuba called a socialist republic with one legislative house why is cuba called a socialist republic with one legislative house why is cuba called a socialist republic with one legislative house
The USSR, (The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Oh and of cause Cuba.
Cuba. In 1997 it was reinstated to commemorate a Papal visit?
Cuba is a socialist economy.
Socialism and nationalism, an independent Cuba under socialist control of the country. He's a marxist-leninist and anti-capitalist.
Cuba is a country