Yes, Amsterdam is north of Brussels.
Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is north of Brussels Belgium.
In the north of Brussels.
Brussels is farther north than Paris. Brussels is located at a latitude of approximately 50.85°N, while Paris is at around 48.85°N.
It takes nine hours to fly from North Dakota to Brussels.
· Burlington, North Carolina · Cary, North Carolina · Durham, North Carolina · High Point, North Carolina · Kitty Hawk, North Carolina · Morgantown, North Carolina · Oxford, North Carolina · Salisbury, North Carolina · Wilmington, North Carolina
North Carolina is north of South Carolina
Ghent is 30 miles North West of Brussels
He is a Bussels Griffon! Brussels Griffon
The city of the Hague is about 100 miles north of Brussels. However, although the parliament of the Netherlands is there, it is not actually the capital. Amsterdam is the capital. It is about 125 miles north of Brussels.
North Carolina.
The original name of North Carolina is North Carolina