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most of the time, it is.

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Q: Is Brazil sunny
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What does blue stand for on Brazil's flag?

its sky. Brazil has the bluest/most sunny days.

What is the possessive form of Brazil?

The possessive form for the proper noun Brazil is Brazil's.Example: We're headed for Brazil's sunny beaches.

What is the weather like in brazil inapril and may?

Really sunny

What are some physical description of Brazil?

very hilly and sunny come to whale store

What is the weather like in Brazil South America this time of year?

Very sunny so you can get some beer and wine out.

Why should someone go to Brazil?

Well that's an opinion. I , would say because its nice and sunny,i mean anywhere new is fun to go to!

Is sunny an adverb?

Sunny is an adjective. We say: A sunny day. A sunny disposition. The sunny side of the street. The adverb 'sunnily' has rare but specific uses.

How do you write sunny in Hindi?

"Sunny" can be written as सन्नी in Hindi.

Is sunny a verb?

'Sunny' is an adjective. 'Yesterday was sunny, whereas today is cloudy.' 'My sister has a very sunny personality.' 'Sunny' cannot be used as a verb.

What does the s stand for in sunny?

The "s" in sunny, is a sound, if you are referring to sunny as in " it's so sunny outside" or a name as in " Sunny and I went to the mall". It just makes a "ess" sound.

What full form sunny?


How many rainfalls does Brazil rain forests get a year?

it never rains in brazil as it has the rainforest and is such a hot country. Because it is so sunny/hot the heat/sun gets used to drying up the rain when it does rain but now it has become so prone to drying up the rain that it never rains. (if that makes sense)