your silly answer is not polite and it is really rude.if you were wrinkly and ugly i would laugh so hard and snot and milk would come and running down my nose.please write back
Beverly Cleary is still alive - she is 94 years old.
As of 4/24/14, Beverly Cleary is alive.
As of 4/24/14, Beverly Cleary is alive.
Mrs. Clearly is 94 and lives in Carmel California and is still alive...
She is probably still alive, but i don't know if her name is real.
Yes, as of 2012, Beverly Cleary was still alive. She passed away in 2021 at the age of 104.
Beverly Sutphin is a fictional character from the movie "Serial Mom" portrayed by actress Kathleen Turner. Kathleen Turner, the actress who played Beverly Sutphin, is still alive as of my last update in 2021.
Beverly clearly started writing the 1900' s
Beverly Clearly writes about funny stories