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Q: Is Australia wet or dry place?
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Do caterpillars like dry or wet places?

they would like to be in a dry place because if they get wet they will die

What place that have a wet and dry season?


What causes dry days to turn into wet ones?

Perhaps the migration of wet atmosphere from a a distant place to the dry place is responsible for the increasing of the humidity level..

What is the opposite of oasis?

An oasis being an area containing water in a desert is pretty much just a wet place in a dry place. So the opposite of that would be a dry place in a wet place, or an island.

What will happen if your iPod was wet?

put it in a dry place

What is the difference between dry and wet corrosion?

dry corrosion is taken place in the presence of gases whereas wet corrosion takes place in the presence of moisture in air

What is the name of the seasons in the tropical areas?

The 'wet season' and 'dry season.' In Australia, the wet season roughly corresponds to summer in the temperate regions of the country, and the dry season to winter.

What countries are tropical wet and dry?

Countries with tropical wet and dry climates include India, Thailand, Mexico, Brazil, and Australia. These countries typically experience distinct wet and dry seasons throughout the year, with heavy rainfall during the wet season and drier conditions during the dry season.

Where do you you go where a place is wet and dry it up again on poptropica?

The aqueducts

Is the wetland a dry or hot place?

Neither it's a wet-land

What is wet but is not wet but is dry but is not dry?

Something that is damp or emptiness. These two things are not wet or dry.

What is wet and dry cut of hair?

Wet they cut wet after shampoo-dry they cut it dry