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Alabama is closer to the tropic of cancer

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Q: Is Alabama or Maryland closer to the tropic of cancer?
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Is the tropic of cancer closer to the equator or is the arctic cirlce?

The tropic of cancer is closer to the equator.

Is Louisiana or Wyoming closer to the Tropic of Cancer?

Louisiana is closer to the Tropic of Cancer than Wyoming. The Tropic of Cancer passes through southern Louisiana at approximately 30 degrees north, whereas Wyoming is further north and the Tropic of Cancer does not cross through its territory.

What is closer to Boston the tropic of cancer or Capricorn?

The Tropic of Cancer is closer to Boston than the Tropic of Capricorn. The Tropic of Cancer is located at about 23.5 degrees north latitude, while the Tropic of Capricorn is around 23.5 degrees south latitude. Boston is located at approximately 42 degrees north latitude.

What is the Tropic of Cancer to Tropic of Capricorn?

The Tropic of Cancer is closer; it's in the northern hemisphere.

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the tropic cancer.

Is the west indies closer to the Tropic of Cancer or the Tropic of Capricorn?

The Tropic of Capricorn is closer to the West Indies.

Is rio de janerino closer to the tropic of cancer or Capricorn?

it is closer to tropic of capricorn

Is Alaska closer to the equator of the tropic of cancer?

Well it's pretty far from both the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer but it is in fact closes to the Tropic of Cancer.

What is closer to the tropic of cancer san antonio or Sacramento?

San Antonio is closer to the Tropic of Cancer than Sacramento. The Tropic of Cancer runs through Mexico at around 23.5 degrees north latitude, which is south of San Antonio but north of Sacramento.

Which is closer to Europe and Russia-The Equator or the Tropic of Cancer?

The Tropic of Cancer is closer to Europe and Russia than the Equator. The Tropic of Cancer is located at approximately 23.5 degrees north of the Equator, while Europe and Russia are situated at higher latitudes in the northern hemisphere.

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Ottawa is closer to the Arctic Circle than it is to the Tropic of Cancer. It is roughly 1436 miles away.

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