Fort Abraham Lincoln was created in 1907.
The address of the Lincoln Endowment is: , Fort Wayne, IN 46855-1083
The address of the Lincoln Museum is: 200 E Berry St, Fort Wayne, IN 46802
The phone number of the Fort Abraham Lincoln is: 701-663-9571.
The address of the Fort Abraham Lincoln is: 401 W Main St, Mandan, ND 58554-3164
Lincoln's decision to break the siege forced the confederates to fire on the fort.
Abraham Lincoln
The web address of the Lincoln Museum is:
The phone number of the Lincoln Museum is: 260-455-3864.
Grant's first brief was to capture Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. He was ordered there by Henry Halleck.
Abraham Lincoln was elected in November 1860, and inaugurated in March 1861. The bombardment of Fort Sumter occurred April 12, 1861.
the election of Abraham Lincoln