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Q: In which sector is the majority of workforce in Europe?
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What is the percent of people that work in a primary industry in Russia?

Approximately 5-10% of people work in the primary industry sector in Russia, which includes agriculture, mining, and forestry. The majority of the Russian workforce is employed in the service sector, followed by the industrial sector.

What percentage of people work in the secondary sector in Britain?

As of 2020, around 18% of people in Britain work in the secondary sector, which includes manufacturing and construction. The primary sector (agriculture, mining) employs around 1% of the workforce, while the tertiary sector (services) employs the majority of the population.

What province is the majority of the Canadian workforce employrd?

Ontario has the largest population and workforce.

The largest encomic sector by of workforce for china?

I think it is the peoples republic of china. It is the second largest economic sector in the world.

What percentage of people work in the primary sector in the US?

Approximately 1.5% of people in the United States work in the primary sector, which includes industries such as agriculture, forestry, fishing, and mining. The majority of the U.S. workforce is employed in the secondary and tertiary sectors, such as manufacturing, services, and government.

What is the contribution of service sector to the GDP of India?

The service sector accounts for 57 percent of India's GDP. The service sector also employs 27 percent of India's workforce.

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How many people is working in the primary sector in the UK?

Well in 2005 less than 2% of the UK's workforce worked in the primary sector, not sure what it is now but hope this has helped.

India's service sector which generates over 50 per cent of GDPemploys only percent of workforce?

It is 17% .....

India population of workforce in primary secondary and tertiary sector?

Primary : 52.1% Seconary : 14% Tertiary : 23%

India's service sector which generates over 50 percent of GDP employs only how many percent of workforce?


What is the symbol for iShares MSCI Europe Financials Sector Index Fund in NASDAQ?

The symbol for iShares MSCI Europe Financials Sector Index Fund in NASDAQ is: EUFN.