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Q: In the later years of his reign thise leader diracted the construction of the grand templs in all parts of Egypt who it?
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Of which country was Cleopatra a leader?

Cleopatra was a leader of Egypt.

Was gaddafi king of Egypt?

Gadhafi was the leader of Libya, not Egypt.

What type of governmet dose Egypt have and who is its current leader?

Egypt has a republic government and the current leader is hosny mubarak

Akhenaton was a leader of what country?

Akhenaton was a leader (pharaoh) of Egypt.

Who is Egypt's leader as of November 2012?

Mohammed Morsi is the President of Egypt.

In which county was Cleopatra a leader?


Who was the leader of Egypt?

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Is Mohamed Hussein Tantawi the current leader of Egypt?

No. Currently the President of Egypt is General Sissi. Tantawi was the emergency leader in 2011.

Who was the leader in acient Egypt?

there were many leaders of ancient egypt, known as the pharaohs

Who was the leader in Egypt after upper and lower Egypt became an empire?

king narmer