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No. I was recently laid off while on disability. The law in Texas says you have to be able to physically be able to work so if you are on disability you can't work.

This is NOT correct! Social Security Disability allows you to work even if you are 100% disabled! They limit how much you can earn.

(Your unemployment income will NOT reduce your disability payment because SS does not consider it to be employment income!)

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Yes. They are unrelated programs and each does not affect the other.

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Q: In Texas can a person accept private disability and unemployment payments at the same time?
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Do you report your disability benefits to unemployment?

Absolutely. To not do so may constitute unemployment fraud. If you are disabled, you may not be able to comply with the requirements of being ready, willing and able to accept full time employment, thus not be eligible for the unemployment compensation.

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There are several private doctors in Oklahoma that accept cash payments for their work. One should ask practices such as Dr. James Cash in the Tulsa area, for example.

Can you collect New York State unemployment while on disability?

Legally, yes, but it may be a factor in whether you're approved for Social Security Disability (SSDI).While the Social Security Administration doesn't prohibit people on (SSDI) disability from receiving unemployment checks, state unemployment regulations usually require all unemployment recipients to be willing and able to accept full-time work.This creates a conflict, because you're generally not eligible for Social Security disability benefits if you're capable of full-time work.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Can you qualify for disability if collecting unemployment in North Carolina?

Legally, yes, but it may be a factor in whether you're approved for Social Security Disability (SSDI).While the Social Security Administration doesn't prohibit people on (SSDI) disability from receiving unemployment checks, state unemployment regulations usually require all unemployment recipients to be willing and able to accept full-time work.This creates a conflict, because you're generally not eligible for Social Security disability benefits if you're capable of full-time work.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Can you collect unemployment in Ohio while waiting to be approved for disability?

Legally, yes, but it may be a factor in whether you're approved for Social Security Disability (SSDI).While the Social Security Administration doesn't prohibit people on (SSDI) disability from receiving unemployment checks, state unemployment regulations usually require all unemployment recipients to be willing and able to accept full-time work.This creates a conflict, because you're generally not eligible for Social Security disability benefits if you're capable of full-time work.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Can you collect unemployment benefits after disability benefits?

This depends on the state's criteria for both, history (and thus qualifications) of the work period, length of time of the disability payments, and time left in the benefit year to collect unemployment.

Who does accept starter checks?

Most your creditors will accept them if mailed as payments.

Can you apply for social security disability while collecting social security?

Technically and legally, yes, but there are risks involved.While the Social Security Administration doesn't prohibit people on (SSDI) disability from receiving unemployment checks, state unemployment regulations usually require all unemployment recipients to be willing and able to accept full-time work.This creates a conflict, because you're generally not eligible for Social Security disability benefits if you're capable of full-time work.When you file for unemployment compensation, all states require you to provide your Social Security number (authorized under Internal Revenue Code of 1954, 26 U.S.C. 85, Sections 6011(a), 6050(b), 6109(a), P.L. 98-369, Section 1137(a)(1)). They will share information about your claim with other government agencies to determine how unemployment affects other benefits you may receive, such as Medicaid and food stamps.If you are in the process of filing for Social Security disability, the conflict between simultaneously claiming to be incapable of "Substantial Gainful Activity" (SGA), which generally translates to full-time work, and contractually agreeing that you're willing to accept full-time work (under state unemployment regulations) in exchange for unemployment compensation, mayresult in being denied disability status (most initial claims and first appeals are denied, anyway).If you persist with the disability claim and proceed to a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), it will take approximately 18 months to two years from the date you originally filed the claim until your hearing date.By then, your unemployment compensation will (probably) have been exhausted and you will either have been forced to accept employment (thus ending your disability claim for all practical purposes) or will continue to be unemployed or be under-employed. This may be a factor in the judge's decision to award or deny disability, but it will not necessarily prevent you from receiving disability benefits. The disability determination process is usually long, and should not be viewed as a way of generating quick cash.You may want to consult with a disability attorney before taking action.

Can my husband accept his retirement payout if he is on disability?

Your husband might can get his retirement pay when he is on his disability. This can depend on who he worked for.

Can an unlicensed insurance staff accept payments?

no only licensenced staff can accepted payments

Are you eligible for unemployment if you accept a commission job?

If you are seeking unemployment AFTER holding a "commission only" job, most likely not. If you get a "commission only" job after starting to receive unemployment, it depends on how much you earn (you have to report all income during the benefit period) compared to the benefit payments and whether your state allows this in the first place, as each state has its own regulations pertaining to benefits.

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There are many different companies that can help you with payments online. For example you have CCBill, PayPal and ProPay. They all accept credit card payments against a fee.