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1 Kilogram = 2.205 pounds.

1 US dollar = 11 pesos

45 pesos per kilogram = (45/11) dollars per kilo = 4.0909 dollars per 2.205 pounds = 1.855 dollars/pound.

cost per 0.45 lb of avocado = 1.85 x 0.45 = 0.83 dollars

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Q: In Mexico avocados are 48 pesos per kilogram what is the cost in cents of an avocado that weighs 045 pounds if the exchange rate is 11 pesos to the dollar?
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Were did avocados come from during the Columbian Exchange?

From Puebla, Mexico.

In what country are avocados grown?

The avocado is native to central Mexico and is actually considered a fruit. The cultivation for mass production is mostly in Mexico. However avocado trees can be grown in your own home with the correct soil and proper care.

Why are Mexico's pine forests disappearing?

Demand for avocados, primarily from the United States, is fueling the illegal logging and stripping of forested land to create avocado farms.

What country do avocado come from?

Avocados are native to Mexico and Central American countries and are grown there as well as in California, United States and various tropical and Mediterranean countries.

Which items were discovered in Mexico and then brought to Europe?

Maize (corn), beans, avocados, tomatoes, some species of squash and turkeys are some of the items brought from Mexico during the Columbian exchange.

What is the leading country to produce avocado?

Mexico is the leading country in avocado production, accounting for over half of the world's supply. Other significant producers include the Dominican Republic, Peru, and Indonesia.

Is Guacamole from Guatemala or Mexico?

It is of Mexican origin. Guacamole comes from the nahuatl (aztec) "ahuacamolli", which would translate as "avocado soup or sauce"; the word aguacate or avocado comes from the nahuatl "ahuacatl", which means "testicle".http:/



Where are avocado's mostly grown?

Avocados need a tropical or semi-tropical environment. They are best grown in California, Florida, southern Texas and parts of Mexico. It is a tree that is native to Central Mexico. Here in North Georgia we get frost in the winter, so there are no locally grown avocados up here.

Origin of guacamole?

Avocados originated from Africa and we first founded in 1964.

Where do avocados grow?

Well some avocados grow in California. Also some grow in the Philippines.

What country is avacodo from?

Avocados originated from Mexico and Central America.