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Q: In California How many points are needed for a person to be considered negligent driver?
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No, there is no special driver needed?

No, there is no special driver needed

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Can you be held responsible if your son crashes with another car on your private property?

yes.......usually only thing private property has to do with claims investigations is make it more difficult, as no police report will generally be written......if your son is negligent and liable for the loss, he is....private property or no........on your property or not.......if he is negligent, he is negligent and will be liable (you as the gaurdian) for the loss........more info is needed for me to help.......facts of loss...your vehicle or another? who owns vehicle? permission or not to drive? etc....

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That particular driver is not available yet.

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Four Years are needed

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No special drivers license is needed to drive a cargo van. A cargo van is not considered a commercial vehicle so you do not ned a CDL to operate one.

Do USB microphones require a driver?

Yes, but usually Windows will be able to find the drivers needed or the generic driver will work OK

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To get this driver, you can visit the PlayStation website. They will have all of the specifications needed to pick the right products.

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In addition to being a good driver, there are other important skills needed to be a bus driver. At the top of the list is that you must be able to concentrate on the task at hand so that you don't lose focus on your driving even if there is something going on behind you.

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USB Flash drives are generic. No specific driver is needed.