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Had aging populations dying of natural causes.

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Q: In 1995 the US and Canada had a higher crude death rate than Mexico because they?
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From where does the US get their crude oil?

About 40% from ourselves. The rest (top 5 at least) from Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Nigeria, Venezuela.

Why does Denmark have higher crude death rate than Bolivia?

Denmark has a higher crude death rate because of its greater population. The greater population the more deaths that will occur.

What country supplies most of us crude oil?

The United States is the leading supplier of crude oil to the United States, followed by Canada and Mexico.

How much petroleum is imported from Mexico a day?

Oil imports from Mexico (into the United States) total 1,132,000 barrels per day or 12.6% of total imports. Mexico is the third largest supplier of crude oil to the US, behind Canada and Saudi Arabia.

Why does Denmark have a higher crude death rate then Bolivia?

because of the revolution that made people die in denmark

Why is petroleum Mexico's main import?

It isn't: Mexico is a net exporter of crude oil.

What are Canada's top imports?

Canada's top imports include machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and parts, crude oil, chemicals, electricity, durable consumer goods. Most Canadian imports are from the United States, China, and Mexico.

What country does Canada trade crude oil with?

Almost all of Canada's exported oil goes to the US. Crude is easily transported by pipelines. See related links.

Is crude oil spilling in the gulf?

20,000 to 40,000 barrels of crude oil is spilling in the Gulf of Mexico every day.

A sentence for crude?

The crude oil was refined to produce gasoline, diesel, and other petroleum products.

Where does Mexico rank in the world's crude oil exports?

Mexico would qualify as the 12th largest exporter of crude petroleum in the world, with an average of 1.46 million oil barrels per day.

What does Iraq import to Canada?

Iraq exports crude oil and petroleum products to Canada . Terrorists?