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Iodine supplements were given to prevent goiter (hypothyroidism),

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Q: In 1957 children in schools in the Milwaukee WI area were give a iodine supplement What was that for?
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What is the maximum dosage of iodine permitted in a dietary supplement?

The recommended daily dosage of iodine permitted in a dietary supplement varies by age. For adults the recommended dosage is 150 mcg, for pregnant and lactating women the recommendation is 220 mcg, and for children the recommendation is 120mcg. Maximum dosage of iodine is unlikely to cause adverse health effects.

Why is iodine a necessary supplement in your diet?

Because iodine deficiency cause goitre arjun pagal

What iodine supplement does Dr David Brownstein suggest?

Dr. David Brownstein often recommends the use of Lugol's solution, which is a combination of elemental iodine and potassium iodide, as an iodine supplement. He believes it can help support thyroid health and overall wellness. However, individuals should consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

What is idolized salt?

Its actually Iodized Salt, and Iodine is added to supplement your health because years ago people were getting sick from Iodine defficiency

Where to obtain iodine?

Iodine can be obtained from iodized salt, fish and other seafood, dairy products, and seaweed. It is also available as a dietary supplement in the form of potassium iodide or other iodine-containing compounds.

What is lugols iodine?

The Lugol solution has a brown color.

Why were iodine pills dispensed in schools in the 1950's?

Iodine pills were dispensed in schools in the 1950s as a precautionary measure in case of nuclear fallout or radiation exposure. Iodine helps protect the thyroid gland by saturating it with stable iodine, reducing the risk of absorbing radioactive iodine isotopes. This practice was part of civil defense measures during the Cold War era.

Is iodine a rock?

No, iodine is not a rock. It is a chemical element that is found in nature and is commonly used in various applications such as for medical purposes, in the production of certain dyes, and as a supplement in some foods.

Does Osteo Bi-Flex contain iodine?

No, Osteo Bi-Flex does not contain iodine. It is a dietary supplement designed to support joint health with ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and vitamin D.

How much iodine is in omega 3?

There is typically no iodine in omega-3 fatty acid supplements, as iodine is not a component of omega-3 fatty acids. If iodine is added to the supplement for any reason, the amount will vary depending on the specific product formulation.

Lack of which element can lead to thyroid problems?

Lack of Iodine can lead to hypothyroidism.This can be a problem in developing countries.In most developed countries however, iodine is added as supplement to i.e. table-salt.

What does sodium and iodine make?

Sodium and iodine combine to form sodium iodide (NaI). Sodium iodide is commonly used in medical treatments, diagnostic procedures, and as a nutritional supplement to address iodine deficiencies.