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The British owned land mostly in the north and east.

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Q: In 1763 the British owned land mostly in the north and?
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The British left the colonies mostly on their own before 1763.

Who lost most of its land in the east from 1763 1783?

British lost much of its land in the east between 1763 and1783

What preceeded the proclamation of 1763?

mostly british greed, because Britain wanted to rule over north America, using their own laws and government

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The harsh British policies toward the North America after 1763.

Who owned land west of the mississippi river in 1763?

the british nation

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France owned the land of New Orleans and Louisiana in 1763.

What treaty gave much of North America to the British?

treaty of paris

What country settled the largest area in North America by 1763?

new spain british french rusian

Who owned the territory around the Hudson bay in 1763?

I'm pretty sure the French owned the territory around Hudson Bay in 1763.

What is the British perspective of the Treaty of Paris 1763?

British gained a lot of territory in America and became extremely powerful. The Treaty ensured British were in control of North America.

Did the British military dominate the French in North America?

Yes, the British military was largely dominant over the French in North America during the 18th century. This was evident in the outcome of the French and Indian War (1754-1763), where the British emerged victorious and gained control over much of French territories in North America. The subsequent Treaty of Paris in 1763 solidified British dominance in the region.