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You would go to Alaska unless you were already there.

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Q: If you wanted to travel to the northernmost state in the US where would you have to go?
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What is the northernmost US state than borders the Pacific Ocean?

That would be Alaska, which is also the northernmost state in the U.S.

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You would travel in a northwest direction from Louisiana to Alaska.

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In order to travel from the American state of Ohio to the state of Illinois, one would take a westerly direction for approximately 400 miles, crossing through Indiana in the process.

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In order to travel from the American state of Ohio to the state of Illinois, one would take a westerly direction for approximately 400 miles, crossing through Indiana in the process.

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In order to travel from the American state of Ohio to the state of Illinois, one would take a westerly direction for approximately 400 miles, crossing through Indiana in the process.

What direction would you have to travel if you lived in Ohio and you wanted to visit your aunt in Illinois?

In order to travel from the American state of Ohio to the state of Illinois, one would take a westerly direction for approximately 400 miles, crossing through Indiana in the process.

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You would pass through New Mexico and Arizona if you wanted or needed to get to California asap and you weren't flying.

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If you live in Ohio and you wanted to see the pacific ocean what direction would you travel?

West? The Pacific doesn't move based on what state you're in...

What direction would you have to travel if you lived in Ohio and wanted to visit your anut in Illinois?

you would have to travel west

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You would travel west.