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Find a good school and a good teacher, always keep practicing, do more listening and speaking.

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Q: If you want learn Chinese language and what should you do?
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Should Learn Chinese as a second language?

sure unless you want to learn an easier language like dutch first

How can you learn to speak Chinese?

The time it takes to learn a language varies, and it depends on many factors, such as the frequency of participation in Chinese language courses, practice, language environment and so on. But, as long as you want to learn Chinese, study diligently,, attend Chinese language courses frequently and practice more in a Chinese-speaking environment, you will be able to master the language over time, the same as when you learned English.

Should I learn Chinese?

Learning Chinese may have multiple causes, such as make friends, work, like the culture or simply have interest, but no matter for what, I think it is a unique and ancient language. If you want to learn I recommend the MagiChinese learn Chinese Characters in YouTube, after watching the cartoon and presentation, you'll love it.

Should students be required to learn Chinese as a second language and Why?

Whether students should be required to learn Chinese as a second language depends on various factors such as the student's interest, future career goals, and the availability of resources. Learning Chinese can be beneficial in terms of enhancing cultural understanding and increasing opportunities in certain industries, but it should not be mandatory for all students. Instead, schools can offer Chinese language classes as an elective option for those who are interested.

Who want to learn Chinese at home?

Many people who want to learn Chinese at home include students, professionals seeking to improve their language skills, travelers preparing for a visit to China, and individuals interested in Chinese culture. Online resources and language learning apps make it convenient to study Chinese from the comfort of home.

Who want to learn Chinese language?

People interested in expanding their language skills, those with a desire to communicate with Chinese speakers, or individuals interested in Chinese culture and business opportunities may wish to learn the Chinese language. It can also be beneficial for those planning to travel or work in China or other Chinese-speaking regions.

How can someone install a Chinese language pack on Windows?

If you want a Chinese language pack on Windows you should download one from the Windows Update. Then just follow directions and a couple minutes later you will be reading the language you want.

Is it still possible to learn the Chinese language at the age of 18?

Of course you can start to learn Chinese at any age if you want to learn. In China we have an old saying that goes "It's never too old to learn." No matter how old you are, it's never too late to learn.

What is a good language to learn?

Italian, French and Spanish are the easiest while if you want a challenge, try something like Chinese

How do you learn intonation of Chinese and pronunciation of words?

Learning pronunciation is an important basis for learning a language. Having a teacher who can speak standard Chinese is the first step. The good and correct guidance is important and then you should have more practice. You want to know the tone. Intonation is not the focus when you learn the pronunciation stage. You should pay more attention to the tone.

What language does justin bieber want to learn?

He want to learn Arabic and china language

I want to learn english language,please.?

I want to learn english language,please.