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Q: If you owe money to unemployment in Pennsylvania and you need to sign up again will they pay you or take what is owed first?
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Do employers pay into unemployment in Pennsylvania?

Employers pay a percentage of the first $8000 of an employee's pay. The percentage is based on the company's claims record and on the state's record of employment, depending on the unemployment rate. The state tends to run out of money when unemployment is high and so the federal government forces the state to pay a surcharge.

What is the unemployment?

Unemployment means having no job to do to get money against.

If you were laid off and are now collecting unemployment but started making money but it may not be consistent should you claim the money or keep collecting unemployment?

If you are once again employed and earning a salary you should cease collecting your unemployment compensation. It's fraud. The state is paying you so that you and your family don't starve, they're not guaranteeing that you'll never earn a lesser salary.

What is the difference between unemployment and employment?

Unemployment is where a person is not employed and is not making money by working. Employment is where a person works and makes money.

Can you draw 401k and unemployment in Florida?

if i am getting unemployment benefits in florida and take money from my 401k does that disqualify me from unemployment benefits

Where does unemployment money come from in Texas?

The state of Texas pays your unemployment benefits and, in turn, collects the unemployment taxes from the employers

How does Unemployment affect money circulation in countries?

More money is in circulation

Which pays more unemployment or disability?

Which pays more regarding unemployment or disability depends on how much money you were making at your previous job. If you were making a lot of money, then unemployment is likely to pay more.

Is money received as an elected official considered as wages when applying for unemployment?

Generally, elected officials are not eligible for unemployment.

What steps will Barack Obama take to halt the recession?

He's bailed banks out of debt. Stocks are increasing, but unemployment is still high. Unemployment won't start going down until companies have enough money so that they'll feel comfortable hiring people again.

Who found Pennsylvania before William penn?

No one. Penn got a colonial charter from the king ( the king owed his father money) and he brought the first colonist to Pennsylvania ( hence the name).

If you are collecting WARN act money can you still collect unemployment money in New York?

WARN is a federal regulation. The WARN act money is considered back pay. Receiving back pay WILL disqualify you from receiving unemployment. Anything after 60 days is considered regular severance and can be received in addition to unemployment.