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You are only considered a runaway if your parents do not know where you are. However, that is not to say that they cannot force you to come home. I am not very sure on moving out at 17 laws in Iowa. I have heard it's just a personal issue unless you are in danger, debt, or homeless... But I can't be for sure.

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Q: If you move out at the age of 17 in Iowa can you be considered a runaway?
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In Iowa at what age are you not considered a runaway and the police cannot take you back home?

I believe the age is 17 in Iowa. I'm not sure though, I'm not from that state. x3 Just don't run away too soon kiddo. :(

In Missouri an individual may leave home at 17 and not be considered a runaway but if they move to another state where the age is 18 are they now considered a runaway?

Yes, if an individual moves to a state where the legal age of majority is 18 and they are under 18, they may be considered a runaway if they leave home without parental permission. Each state has its own laws regarding the legal age of majority and runaway status.

What age can you legally move out in Maryland and what age are you not considered a runaway and the police can't bring you back home?

In Maryland, you must be 18 years old to legally move out without parental permission. If you are under 18, you are considered a runaway, and the police can bring you back home until you reach the age of majority.

What age is considered a runaway in Mississippi?

Anyone under the age of 18 is a runaway. They are a minor and not an adult.

What is the age to be considered a runaway?

There is no specific age to be considered a runaway. In most places, a minor who leaves home without permission is considered a runaway regardless of their age. However, laws and procedures regarding runaways may vary by jurisdiction.

What age is considered a runaway in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, a runaway is considered to be a minor under the age of 18 who leaves home without permission from a parent or legal guardian.

What is the youngest age you can move out of your parents house and not be considered a runaway?

12. Although you have to be in the care of a trusted adult. Preferablly family member.

What is the age where a child in Texas won't be considered a runaway?

In Texas, a child is no longer considered a runaway at the age of 17. Once a child turns 17, they are legally considered an adult and are free to come and go as they please without being classified as a runaway.

Will you be considered a runaway if your 18?

No, you are of legal age to leave home.

What age can a person in Louisiana leave home and not be considered a runaway?

In Louisiana, a person can legally leave home at the age of 17 without being considered a runaway.

What age are you considered an adult in Iowa?


What age is considered a runaway in Indiana?

In Indiana, a runaway is typically defined as a minor under the age of 18 who leaves home without parental consent. Once a minor reaches the age of 18, they are considered an adult and no longer classified as a runaway.