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You can choose a breath test or a blood test.

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Q: If you are asked to submit to a test of the alcohol in your body in California you may choose?
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If you are asked to submit to a test of the alcohol in your body you may choose?

Not if you get pulled over for definite dui. Police technically need to have enough proof that you are drunk before making you do test first though.

How do you ask a question on wikianswerscom on mobile site?

Type in your question in the box and hit the submit button. You will be asked to choose a category for your question.

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If a court asked you to submit a document and you do not you can be held in contempt of court. (Not In All Cases)

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Type your question in the question box at the top of the page. If the question has not been asked, you can submit it as a new question.

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Yes I have asked about 80 questions (In guessing)

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They/he/she/the doctor(etc) asked me where I was from. Or if you are asking the question: I asked him/her/etc where he/she/etc was from. I asked them/etc where they/etc were from.

What is the difference between a medicare participating provider and nonparticipating?

Like most things involving the government, it's kind of complicated, but basically: A participating provider has agreed to submit all claims to the Medicare program. A non-participating provider may choose to submit, or not to submit, claims to Medicare on a case-by-case basis. The biggest practical difference to a patient covered by Medicare is that if they go to a participating provider they will probably only be asked to cover the Medicare co-payment at the time of service. If they go to a non-participating provider, they may be asked to make payment in full at the time of service.

Does it cost to submit an FAFSA?

No, it is free as long as –you use the official government site ( to submit your application. If you go to any other sites, you will probably be asked to pay to submit the FAFSA.Just keep in mind that the first F in "FAFSA" stands for "free".

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Where do you sign up for Prank Patrol Australia?

You can actually sign up to be on Prank Patrol Australia on the ABC3 Prank Patrol website.