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If you are returning on a flight, yes. Otherwise with a birth certificate or driver's license is enough.

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Q: If you are an US citizen are you required to have an US passaport to cross back from Mexico into the US?
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Does the Himalayas cross Mexico?

No the Himalayas do not cross Mexico. The Himalayas are in India and Mexico is not.

What is required of an indigenous person from Mexico to cross the us border?

A Mexican government-issued passport and a US Government-issued visa.

Do you need a id card to go to new Mexico?

If you plan to drive there, you will need your driver's license. If you are not a US citizen, you will have needed a passport from your country to cross the border but once you are in the US, you don't need to pass any further ID checks.

Can a illegal immigrant be pardoned after being returned to Mexico for trying to cross with her cousins birth certificate whom is a US citizen?

Possible. Was she merely turned around? or was she charged with a crime? If she make affirmative statements that she was indeed a U.S. citizen, that is a PERMANENT bar and would never be able to enter the U.S.

Can meat tamales from Mexico cross the border?

No. No foods are allowed to cross the border.

What happens if you are a US citizen cross into Mexico and accidentally forget your passport yet you have your social security card birth certificate and drivers license and are over the age of 18?

The easy part is entering to Mexico; however you will have to explain you situation to US Homeland Service officers on you way back to the US.

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Is there a mountain in Mexico called sara cross?


How do you transfer a car title from Ky to Mexico?

You drive down to Mexico and cross the border. Now your Kentucky title is in Mexico!

What documents do canadians need to cross into Mexico?

What state would somebody cross to get into Mexico?

Either California, Arizona, New Mexico or Texas.

Why are Mexicans good at cross country?

Because it is the number one sport in Mexico