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Leaving Home The parents of a non-emancipated minor have the custody and control of such minor. This means that the parents can legally decide where the minor lives until the minor reaches the age of majority (usually 18) or otherwise becomes emancipated. Being pregnant doesn't change any of these. If a minor moves away from the home of his or her parents or legal guardians without their permission, that minor can be picked up by authorities as a runaway. Depending upon the state, there may be an evaluation stage in which the situation is reviewed to insure that the individual is not endangered by being returned to the home. Some states have recognized that minors that are 16 or 17 are often considered questionable as to their ability to leave home. Authorities may not want to deal with minors in this age group and some states are establishing legislation enforcing the age of majority and eliminating any questions in the eyes of the law enforcement community. Check with your local laws for more specifics. If you are in an unsafe environment, law enforcement personnel can put you in contact with the appropriate agencies to obtain help.

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Q: If you are 17 and pregnant can you move out of your parents' home if you live in Oklahoma?
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Can your parents make you live at home when you turn 18 in Oklahoma?

The age of emancipation is 18, even in Oklahoma.

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I live in Tennessee and I am pregnant can I move out of my parents home legally?

I think it depends on how old you are.

Can you live with your parents and have a baby at 16?

I believe you can as long as your parents support you decision to keep the baby and still live at home, my parents and i decided that if i got pregnant when i am 16 that i can still live at home and keep the baby if i choose but i have to finish school. It all depends on how you and your parents feel.

Can a pregnant 17 yr old leave her parents home legally?

In most states not until they are 18 years of age. Until then the parents determine where you live, even if pregnant.

Legal age to move out of a parents home in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, the legal age to move out of a parent's home without permission is 18. At 18, an individual is considered an adult and can make decisions about where they live.

What to do if your 18 maybe pregnant and you need money to move out of the home that you live in with your abusive boyfriend?

Try to go back home with your parents....maybe

Can you move out at 16 legally without parents consent in the state of Oklahoma?

No you may not leave at 16 in Oklahoma. Until you are an adult, 18, you live where they say you live.

What is the legal age for a pregnant female to leave home without parents consent?

If you live the in US, the age is 18. Being pregnant/giving birth does not emancipate a minor in any state. The minor is still subject to the rules and control of their parents.

Can a pregnant seventeen year old girl live with her 34 year old boyfriend without parents permission in Oklahoma?

She could, but the boyfriend could be charged with second-degree rape if they have a sexual relationship.

What is the legal age to move in Oklahoma if you are seventeen and have a child?

The age of majority in OK is 18. Until you turn 18 your parents get to decide where you're allowed to live. Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor.

In California can a pregnant minor leave her parents home and live with the father without her parents aproval?

No. Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor, so you are still subject to your parents rules and authority. And by the way, the age of sexual consent in CA is 18, so it was illegal for anyone to have sex with you.