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If the governor of Texas dies, resigns, or is removed, the lieutenant governor will take his place until reelection.

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The lieutenant governor succeeds.

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Q: If the governor of Texas is removed from office before the end of his or her term?
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Who was the Texas governor constitionally removed from office?

James Webb Throtmorten

Who was The only governor in Texas' history to be impeached and removed from office was?

James E. Ferguson James E. Ferguson

What is the address for the governor's office in Texas?

Office of the Governor P.O. Box 12428 Austin, Texas 78711-2428

What government of office was George W. Bush before he was president?

George W Bush was governor of Texas.

What is the maximum number of years a governor of Texas can serve in office?

The maximum number of years a governor of Texas can serve in office is 4 years.

What state was George W. Bush governor before he was the president?

Texas. Bush was governor of Texas before he ran for President.

Appointments to office by the Texas governor are confirmed by who?

two-thirds vote by the Texas Senate

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Who is the Govener of Texas?

The current governor of Texas is Greg Abbot.

I'm just looking for the name of the actual government not the name of a person but who governs all the Texas governments?

The Governor of the state of Texas is the Chief Executive of Texas, therefore the Governor's office would be the chief governing body of all of Texas, and Governor Rick Perry is the curent governor of Texas.

Can a Texas governor be taken out of office?

Yes, the process is known as IMPEACHMENT.