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No, they can not.

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Q: If someone gets deported from the US can they move to Puerto Rico?
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Related questions

How often does it rain in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico gets 7-8 inches of rain.every month

Do Hurricanes pose no real threat to Puerto Rico?

Yes, Puerto Rico gets hurricanes. Most of the ones that hit Florida hit Puerto Rico first.

Where did puerto rico gets its name?

It means "rich port" in Spanish,

What are the birthday traditions in Puerto Rico?

In puerto rico the child or adult gets taped on the arm for each birth year. Then usually a formal dinner is held.

How much rain fall does Puerto Rico get in a year?

The answer depends on which part of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has rain forests in the northeast of the island which gets about 200 inches (16.667 feet) of rain a year. While the south central portion of the island gets about 36 inches (3 feet) of rain a year.

Who gets the most hurricanes?

Mostly Haiti, puerto rico, and more tropical islands

What territory votes in the us but is not a state?

The District of Columbia gets 3 electoral votes.

Greencard holder gets fellony does he get deported?

greencard holder gets a fellony does he get deported

Puerto Rico's climate?

Puerto Rico has a tropical climate, characterized by hot and humid conditions year-round with temperatures typically ranging from 70°F to 85°F. The island experiences a rainy season from May to October, with the potential for hurricanes from June to November.

Is an illegal alien deported if pregnant?

yes she gets deported..

What job in Puerto Rico gets paid good money?

Doctor and lawyers get paid more then trash men and burger flippers.

Did gamu nhengu get deported?

No one gets deported do not be so silly