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No. The US was not the only place with slavery, and it was not the last to end the practice. Many countries in Central and South America also had slavery. All ended slavery within a generation or two after the US Civil War ended. If the Civil War had not brought things to a crisis, slavery would have ended at around the same time in the US, if not sooner, due to international pressure.

There is still slavery in the world, but its done very quietly, so as not to attract international outrage, in places like Haiti, and by our very best friends in Saudi Arabia.

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Q: If Lincoln did not issue the 13th would slavery still be going on this very day and why?
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Was slavery an issue?

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No. Slavery ended in 1888

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Slavery in one from or another has been going on for thousands of years. It is still going on.

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One View:Lincoln was against slavery. While it was true that he was not willing to go to war over slavery itself, that does not mean he supported slavery. Read his speeches that date back to the early 1850's in which he condemns slavery. Another View:Although, some may believe that he was completely for slavery, although he was against racial segregation, and did not believe in African-American slaves... But most likely, he was against it all together.Hell no, mother*^#@^(:)

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The issue of state's rights is still debated by historians and polititians today. The issue of slavery however is not a factor. Slavery was abolished in the US when the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted.

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Because the south still wanted slavery/

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