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Q: I was known as the swamp fox I used methods against the British in south Carolina that broke traditional rules of war who am I?
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Was known as the Swamp Fox. I used methods against the British in South Carolina that broke traditional rules of war. Who am I?

Francis Marion

Traditional methods of financial evaluation of projects?

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Revere and Dawes alerted the colonists of the British troops, thus allowing them to be ready with troops of their own when the British came.

What fighting methods did the colonists use against the british troops marching back to Boston from concord?

Revere and Dawes alerted the colonists of the British troops, thus allowing them to be ready with troops of their own when the British came.

What are two ways that modern farming methods are different from traditional farming methods?

Modern farming methods are different from traditional farming methods in the chemicals they use to help control weeds. Traditional methods dictate that crops had to be hoed to control weeds. Nutrients are also being placed in soil to replace those lost over the winter. Composting was a traditional method of restoring chemical balance to the soil.

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There were many traditional methods that American's used in wars. These American's would often fight head on to the death.

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What were the consequences of British textiles in India?

The consequence of British textiles in India were that it forced the land owners in India to abandon farming and learn new skills. As a result, farmers needed to become industrialized and abandon the traditional methods that they had been using.

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Why were traditional methods of fighting no longer possible during World War I

What are the advantages of traditional communication methods?

One advantage of traditional communication methods is that it is cheaper than many other forms of communication. Traditional communication can also feel more personal.

What are the traditional procurement methods using in the construction industry?

Fixed Price Contracting is a traditional method

What traditional methods of transport is from Scotland?

steam engine