You Must apply for visa with Valid Passport hotel booking and with valid reason if its a student visa then it should be applied by the college on behalf of you and once you get the invitation letter by the ministry you may travel to KOSOVO from Pakistan but the best technique is to apply through Turkey - Ankara (KOSOVO) Embassy this is the fastest process.
dear sir, i am pakistani passport holder i am very intrest the visit and see the country of kasovo.please send the complate information the about of kosove visa. thanks. shaukat ali e.mail
Hi how are you sir i am pakistani citizen .but oman 5 year his working but i need vist visa oman to kosovo what requirments?
Kosovo is currently administered by the UN. At the moment, no visa is required for entry. You may need, however, valid proof of your intentions for your visit to show the border guards. Entry into Kosovo does not mean you will get entry into Serbia or Montenegro. Please make sure that you have the valid visas required for your visits. Visa requirements are subject to change. Please check with the local embassy/consulate for the latest requirements for your country's passport.
You will have to apply for a visa, which is quite easy to get.
You must apply at your local U.S. embassy/Consulate.
YES. In 2013, Kosovo changed its visa policy and now Cameroonians need a VISA in advance of visiting Kosovo.
You need to apply at your local Spanish Embassy or Consulate.
For Job and Studies
Through any consulate or embassy of Pakistan you can apply for Pakistani visa. For this purpose, you'll have to provide necessary documents, your purpose to visit Pakistan, and duration to stay Pakistan.
As we apply through American express for us visa, so I want to know how and by whom to apply for Canadian visit visa and what is the fee.
Yes. Canadians need a visa before they arrive in Pakistan. No visa on arrival. You can apply at a Pakistan High Commission in Canada. It is quite easy and only takes about 5 business days in total.