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Q: How will El Niño might affect weather in California and along the gulf coast?
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Do ocean currents affect San Diego's weather?

Yes, ocean currents can influence San Diego's weather by moderating temperatures along the coast. The cold California Current moves southward along the west coast and helps keep coastal areas cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Additionally, ocean currents can also impact precipitation patterns and storm intensity in the region.

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How does the Pacific Ocean affect the weather along California coast?

The Japanese current carries cold water down from the north and causes the coastal climate to be cooler than the climate further inland since the prevailing west wind is cooled.

What highway runs north and south directly along the coast?

Highway 1, also known as the Pacific Coast Highway, runs north and south directly along the coast in California.

What mountains run along the California coast line?

The California Coast ranges run along the coast line in California. It has many different areas that run together. In the northern part of the coast line the Klamouth Mountains run about 80 miles down the coast.

What mountain Runs along California's coast line?

The California Coast ranges run along the coast line in California. It has many different areas that run together. In the northern part of the coast line the Klamouth Mountains run about 80 miles down the coast.

What region did the Spanish build missions in?

Along the coast west coast of California

Where would the sea level rise affect?

The sea level rising would affect along the coast lines and since Greenland is just one big glacier it would definitely affect along the Eastern sea coast. It will also flood many towns and cities along the coast which will effect everyone along the coast but not for a while.