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they were chosen by ability

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Q: How were workers chosen under China's merit system?
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In politics what is the spoils system?

The spoils system refers to the practice where a political party, after being elected, gives government jobs to its campaign workers as a reward. It is in contrast to the merit system, where government positions are filled on the basis of merit, independent of political activity.

What is merit based?

A system that provides bonuses for workers who perform their job effectively, according to what is assumed to be (but not proven as) measurable criteria.

What are three jobs for which merit pay is inappropriate?

Merit pay would be inappropriate for most jobs in the public sector. These include teachers, social workers, and government workers.

What is merit system define it?

A merit system is the process of hiring and promoting people based on their ability to do their job.

What system of bureaucracy replaced the spoils system?

Merit system

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how can an employer benefit from a merit-rating system for state umenployment

Should sports teams be chosen on quota or merit?

Sports teams should, and usually are, chosen by merit. The goal of professional sports teams is to pick a solid, winning team, so that they can sell season tickets. Sports, after all, is a business. Teams are chosen based on ability and the positions they play.

The practice of government employment based upon competitive examination and merit?

Merit system

What is the primary responsibility of the merit systems protection board?

The primary responsibility of the Merit Systems Protection Board is to serve as the guardian of Federal merit systems. They also are to protect federal workers from agency management abuse.

Which pay system is most widely used in America today?

Merit pay without a doubt. Merit pay is a term describing performance-related pay. It provides bonuses for workers who perform their jobs effectively, according to measurable criteria. See J. J. Martocchio on compensation.

The civil service system is a system of hiring and promoting employees based upon?

The civil service system is a system of hiring and promoting employees based upon the merit system. The merit system is the opposite of the spoils system.

What is the Dual Wage system?

A dual wage system is also referred to as a two-tier wage system. It has different wages for new employees as opposed to senior employees. A Reasons for a dual wage system include establishing merit pay or pay for performance.