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They were invaded by the Germans and were treated like other people/countries who had been taken over by the Nazi.

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Q: How were the citizens of Norway treated during world war 2?
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How were the people of Norway treated during World War 2?

Roughly by the Germans

What common office device did the citizens of Norway adopt as a symbol of Nazi residence during World War 2?

A paper clip

Was Norway a member of the axis allience or the allies allience?

During World War 1, Norway was a neautral country. During World War 2, Norway was a part of the Allies.

Which country lost over 6 million citizens during World War 2?

no single country lost that many it was a combination of Germany Norway and other European countries

Is Norway a central power or allied?

Neither. Norway were neutral during World War 1.

Who did Norway fight with in WW1?

None. Norway was a neutral country during World War 1.

What religions were practiced in Norway during World War 2?

Christianity was the major religion in Norway in WW2.

Who were Norway's allies during World War 2?

Norway's allies were Britain, and the allies including the U.S.

On which side did norway fight during world war 2?

Norway was occupied by German troops early in the war.

Who was the king of Norway during World War 1?

Dakota Zientek

Who donates the Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree?

The Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree has been donated by the Norwegian Government since 1947 in recognition of the help given to Norway during World War II.

Who was the political leader in Norway during World War 2?

Vidkun Quisling .