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A lifter lifted them up

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Q: How were the 33 Chilean miners- who were trapped underground from August to October 2010- rescued?
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What Day Did The Chilean Miners Get Rescued date time and month?

The last of the 33 miners trapped deep underground in northern Chile for more than two months has been rescued on 14th October 2010.

How many days were the chile coal miners underground?

The Chilean coal miners were trapped underground for 69 days before being rescued.

When did the coal miners in Chile get trapped?

The Chilean coal miners were trapped underground in the San José mine on August 5, 2010, following a cave-in. They were eventually rescued in a dramatic operation that concluded on October 13, 2010.

How many days have the 33 chilean miners been stuck?

The 33 Chilean miners were trapped underground for 69 days before being rescued.

How many of the 33 Chilean miners- who were trapped underground from August to October 2010- were found to have cheated on their wives?


When did the Chilean Miners get trapped underground?

November of 2010 at lest i think it was i am not very sure

Which countries are involved in the rescue operation of the Chilean miners trapped underground in August 2010?

I'm only aware of America being involved in the Chilean rescue mission.

How many days were they trapped underground in chile?

Some were trapped for 69 days but a few were there into the 70th days before they were finally rescued.

How long were the miners in Chile underground?

the Chile miners were trapped in the mine for 69 days

When did the mine San Jose disaster in Chile end?

After 70 days underground, the 33 miners trapped (32 Chileans and 1 Bolivian) were finally rescued alive and well on October 13, 2010.

How did the Chilean miners trapped underground get there in the first place?

they were down there doing there job - mining. 2 parts of the mine then collapsed and there were no way of getting out

How deep were the chilian miners trapped?

The Chilean miners were trapped about 2,300 feet (700 meters) underground in the San José copper-gold mine.