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Q: How was the writing of the American crisis an example of Good United states citizenship?
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Is Barack Obama's citizenship legal?

Barack Obama was born in the State of Hawai'i. By definition, anyone who is born on American soil is an American citizen. He is a citizen of only the United States, and has never held another citizenship instead or in addition to United States citizenship.

Which is a process of gaining naturalized American citizenship?

securing employment in the united states

If you were born in the US when and how do you decide to be an American Citizen?

If your birth certificate was filed in the United States of America then you are automatically an American citizen. If you also claim citizenship with another country, the United States government asks that you choose your citizenship to one or the other.

How do you become American citizens?

For United Citizenship and Immigration Service, see related link....

How do you pass citizenship in the US?

When applying for U.S. Citizenship through naturalization, United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) does require a Citizenship test to be taken by all applicants. The Citizenship test will be based on the ability of reading, writing and speaking English, knowledge of American history and the government of the United States. After you have filed the US Citizenship Application (form N-400), USCIS will notify you with a date and time for your fingerprinting appointment. The applicant will be advised to appear at the local Application Support Center at the designated time and date. At this interview the applicant will be given the Citizenship test. You will be notified in the mail the results of your test.

How Italian woman can have American citizenship automatically after 12 years of marriege?

There are no automatic citizenship in the United States. If she has lived in the US in the past 5 years and has had a valid green card, she can apply for US citizenship.

Which of the following people would be considered a naturalized American citizen?

a person who was not an american a birth but who has since gained american citizenship

Is Mother Teresa a non American?

Yes and no. She was born in Albania but was later granted honorary citizenship in the United States.

Can a citizen of Mexico obtain American citizenship by virtue of same-sex marriage to a citizen of the United States?

Yes, an American citizen may sponsor a same-sex Mexican spouse for a visa, permanent residency and, ultimately, citizenship.

How does an american get dual citizenship for the philippines?

You can get dual citizenship for the Philippines if you are a natural-born Filipino who has become a naturalized citizen of another country, and to retain your Philippine citizenship, you have to take an oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines before a Philippine Consular Officer.

Why do people call themselves African Americans if they don't have duel citizenship is this not how racism starts?

Being an African American does not necessarily mean they have duel citizenship. In general, countries define citizenship based on ones descent, place of birth, marriage, and/or naturalization. An example of duel citizenship is when, lets say, an Australian citizen travels to the United States, marries a United States citizen and has children. Those children have both, US and Australian citizenship. The Term African American really comes from the slave trade when Africans were transported by ship to the Americas, in which they became, "African Americans." The African Americans today did not have a choice to be "African Americans" because their ancestors were brought here. Thus, the term 'African American' is not racist in anyway but more politically correct and duel citizenship does not apply to all African Americans.

What was Albert Einstein's nationality?

He was legally German until 1933, when he renounced his citizenship. Then he applied for an American citizenship, what made him American until his death. A nationality is defined by a commitment to a nation and may be chosen by the individual according to the human right of free association (see United Nations Declaration of Rights). At the point Albert Einstein had officially renounced his German citizenship, despite he has always been carying it half-heartily only, he had declared he is not a German, and by adopting an American citizenship, he also declared he is American. Thus we have to respect his decision and write in our history books he was American.