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Q: How was the Dakota tribe so organized?
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Was North Dakota named after an Indian tribe?

Yes, North Dakota is named for the Dakota Sioux tribe. Dakota means "allies".

What Indians lived in the area of South Dakota?

The Arikara Tribe - The Cheyenne Tribe - The Lakota and Dakota Tribes and the Ponca Tribe.

Why did the Dakota tribe live in North Dakota?

The Dakota depended on the buffalo/bison for food, clothing, shelter, weapons. So they followed the buffalo as they roamed the Great Plains, including North Dakota.

Dakota's name comes from what?

The Dakota Indian tribe or her mother.

What Native American tribe practiced wohoda?

Dakota tribe

What lagnuage did the Sioux tribe speak?

"Sioux" is not the name of a single tribe, but a collection of many tribes grouped by their dialect: Lakota, Nakota and Dakota. So for example the Wahpekute Sioux tribe spoke Dakota; the Yanktonai Sioux tribe spoke Nakota and the Oglala Sioux tribe spoke Lakota.These dialects are very closely related, but for example words containing an L sound in Lakot typically have an N in Nakota and a D in Dakota. Lakota kola (friend) is the same word as Dakota koda.

What is Dakota?

Dakota is the name of an Indian Tribe in the American mid-west.

How was the tribe of the Aztecs organized?

yes the aztecs are a tribe they are anccident in mexico

Did the Dakota tribe live in the desert or did they live on the plains?

The Dakota lived on the plains.