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Q: How was Egypt treated during colonization?
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What are egypt's colonization facts?

the colonization as in india where they settled after world war1

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instruments of colonization

How were women treated in Egypt?

women in ancient Egypt were treated very good because they could own land and a business.

How was josephs family treated when they arrived in Egypt?

As Joseph was the governor of Egypt, second in power to pharaoh, his family were treated royally.

How were the artisans treated in ancient Egypt?

They werent treated as well as they should be treated and they werent respected as much either.

What are some jobs in England during colonization?

during the colonization they had a vast amount of craftmen and basically skills that's had a need for architecture. fishing ofcourse.

How was queen nerfertari treated?

she was treated nicely with every one in Egypt calling her beautiful nick names

How was the Province of Egypt treated by Julius Caesar?

First of all, Egypt was not a Roman province at the time of Julius Caesar. It was an independent kingdom. Egypt was under the protection of Rome, as stated in the late king's will. Caesar treated Egypt as a client kingdom of Rome, even after the Alexandrian War.

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What was the French and British colonization of Egypt?

british acctuly colonized Egypt first in 1658 but they didnt care about Egypt because it was silk road to India for british british had nice realastship with egyptains than french . french acctuly terrorzized egypatians but british respect them french alaso roobed golds from Egypt.french accutky tooked lots of recorece from Egypt but french acctuly took colonization benefite but british didnt .

What was the impact of Spanish colonization on Indigenous peoples during the 16th 17th and early 18th centuries and the degree of change and continuity experienced by native societies during the early?

* during the early period of Spanish colonization.

What were the two independent countries in Africa during European Colonization?

The countries that were independent durning the European Colonization in Africa was Liberia and Ethiopia