Phoenicia was comprised of independent city-states with their own political systems. Assyria was an empire ruled by a king and his council.
Commotria phoenicias was created in 1918.
Leotropa phoenicias was created in 1918.
Ernophthora phoenicias was created in 1887.
Assyrian was a big kingdom that was independent. Chaldean was a small nation that did not have their independence.
The Egyptians needed stronger leadership to thwart an Assyrian invasion.....
Different sources say different things, but perhaps Asshur or Belus.
Chaldeans are ethnically Assyrians and religiously Chaldean. In modern day, the Assyrian Christianity divided into Assyrian (their own denomination), Assyrian Catholics/Orthodox, and Chaldean Catholics. Chaldean is a denomination of Syriac Christianity (Assyrian/Chaldean/Suryoyo Christianity) that made full communion with the Bishop of Rome and the rest of the Catholic Church. Chaldeans speak a different dialect of Assyrian-Aramaic (exact same alphabet, just few different words). In conclusion, Assyrian is an ethnicity and denomination of Christianity (just as there are ethnic Jews and religious Jews, two different things) and Chaldean is a Catholic denomination of Christianity.
Their extended trading empire made them vulnerable to competition from other peoples - Greeks and Persians.
Ashurbanipal was the Assyrian king during the height of the Assyrian Empire.
syrian team is assyrian team its different then syria team.
No, they were a Semitic people who settled in today's Lebanon and western Syria over three thousand years ago.
The definition of leadership is always confused when it is referred to management. Indeed when students are asked "what is leadership?" they expand their answer with management attributions.