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Q: How was Abraham Lincoln was generous?
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How is Abraham Lincoln generous?

He was very generous because he didn't charge people money for his services even though he knew he was going to earn nothing from it. :D

What where some of Abraham Lincoln's favorite childhood games?

Abraham Lincoln did not like any kind of games. He was little bit interested in painting. He always wanted to go to school as he was very much interested in studies.

What is Abraham Lincolns full name?

Abraham Lincoln did not have a middle name-- Abraham Lincoln was his full name.

What was Abe Lincoln's real name?

Abraham Lincoln is his real name.FYI:Also they nicknamed him 'Honest Abe'.

How do you spell Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln

Was Abraham Lincoln?

Yes, Abraham Lincoln was.

What is the name of Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln

Who is a Famous person last name start with a?

Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln

Who was the President during Abraham Lincoln's presidency?

Abraham Lincoln was the president when Abraham Lincoln was the president.

What is the name of Abraham Lincoln's mistress?

Abraham Lincoln never had a mistress at all.

Who is Abraham Lincoln's father what year was Abraham Lincoln president when did Abraham Lincoln die where was Abraham Lincoln killed why did they kill Abraham Lincoln?

They killed him because he set slaves free and He was killed in ford Theater

In 1861 the king of Siam offered to send a gift to the U.S but Linclon refused what gift did he refuse?

During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln received the offer of a very unique gift from the King of Siam, Rama IV. He offered to send Lincoln war elephants to use against the Confederacy. The president thanked him for his generous offer, but declined the elephants.