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china's military budget is 110 billion
us is over 600 billion

And China spends 5k on a rifle that is just as good as the one we pay 50k for, we spend about 5 times as much for each military personal then they do. To some it up the numbers are very misleading. Its very hard to compare a free country that buys everything from defense contracters, to a very unfree country that owns every compeny that builds for them. To compare we are working on a 5th generation fighter, and they are working on a 5th generation fighter. Even conservative estimations have us spending somewhere around 1000 times the ammount on our fighter then the cost of theres.

Usa denfense contracting is the most profitable business in the good old usa for a reason, in a very basic sense its like trying to compare a moms and pops store to wallmart. China will cacth up to us its just a matter of time, even there corruption dont compare to our wasteful spending.

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