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One hundred and ten, Veronica said that I hit top end!- or, the Red Line!(Pun intended).,

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Q: How old would Anastasia Romanov if still living?
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Is Anastasia of Sirmium the same person as Anastasia Romanov?

No. the Anastasia you mention is medieval or earlier Middle-east- say Russo-Turkish theatre, saint. Anastasia Romanov, more properly Anastasia Nicolaievna- the daughter of Nicholai ( it would be bad usage to refer to her on the street, as Anastasia Romanov during the Empire, as bad as yelling ( Hey Betty Windsor!) at Queen Elizabeth II /. show some respect, the Last name was- understood and understated. she did not use the Anastasia Romanov handle until after the Diaspora, circa l922. Floreat Anastasia!

How old would Anastasia Romanov be if she were alive today?

110 years old. She was born in 1901.

What is the five Romanov children?

The five Romanov children were Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. They were the children of Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra of Russia. Tragically, they were executed during the Russian Revolution in 1918.

Is there a Russian princess still living?

There are a number of female nobility who ( cousins, etc) are descendants or collinear relatives of the Romanov (Imperial) and lesser but still princely ( such as Gallitzin) families. I have reason to believe a Russian ( one would have to add ex-officio or in exile) Princess died fairly recently and at her funeral she had various Imperial Russian trappings including a Red Capelet over the top. She would be several generations down the hatch from Anastasia, of course. I seem to recall there is a Princess Catherine Romanov still living. She does not call herself Catherine III, by the way! so it goes.

How did Anna Anderson know the Romanov's Secrets?

No one really knows. People who knew Anastasia thought that Anna Anderson was Anastasia because she knew little things about Anastasia's life that someone who was not Anastasia would not know. However in one book it has been theorized that Gleb Blotkin (the son of the Romanov's doctor who was killed with them, childhood playmate of the real Anastasia and chapion of Anna Anderson) fed her information that she needed to fool people.

What did Romanovs do?

The Ruling House of Russia. Actually calling Anastasia ( Anastasia Romanov) when the Czarist government was intact- would be as bad form as referring to Queen Elizabeth II as , say Betty Windsor! it just wasn"t done- properly, she was Her Highness, ( technically Grace under l8)- Anastasia Nicolaievna ( daughter of Nicolai) (Romanov is understood with the Royal prefixes),.

Who inherited the Austrian throne only after Charles VI has the other European powers sign an agreement declaring they would recognize the heir?

Anastasia Romanov

In real life did Anastasia Romanov have a put-On Bostonian accent?

There is no evidence to suggest that Anastasia Romanov, the Grand Duchess of Russia, had a distinct Bostonian accent in real life. She would have been more likely to speak with a European accent, reflecting her Russian heritage and upbringing.

Why was Anastasia Nickalaiwna?

Get your spelling right, Comrade. It is Anastasia (prename or Christian name)Nicolaievna-which means -The Daughter of Nicolai (Nicholas) In everyday use this was her common name, usually with the Royal surname (Romanov) understood, as she wouold be addressed as (Your Highness) Somewhat oddly this distinction in surnames between genders-unlike the Western form where we would merely have, say Anastasia Romanov, is also found among the Icelandic people where females have -Dotter (Daughter) embellished into their last names! She was not generally known as Anastasia Romanov until after the war and the Diaspora (dispersion of Russian Exiles). Some positive nicknames were: The Great White Hope, The Girl Czarina of all the Russias, and of course, Stacy. Negative handles included The Great Pretender, The Czarine of all D.P."s and some unprintable ones. It"s a fascinating subject and there were some intriguing Anastasia doubles who may have been hired by and for the Grand Duchess herself to lead-off the press.

What was the name of the royal family of White Russia?

Romanov, also sometimes spelled Romanoff. and to be correct- it would be, when she was Underage- Your Grace, Anastasia Nicolaeivna, the last name being understood ( IT IS BAD FORM to gear Her Highness down to say the popular usage of Anastasia Romanov- until after the fall of the Czarist govt. technically, she was not Your Highness until age l8, before that, like all noblewomen up to Duchess- merely, Your Grace. Do not misunderstand this bit of protocol to suggest that ( Grace) was her middle name!

Is there any romanov family line left?

There are no descendants of Nicholas II but there are descendants of Romanov's still alive today. Because of intermarrying there are still Romanov descendants in America, and also descendants in England, and the deposed heads of Romania and Greece are descendants of female Romanovs

Who is Anastasia Romanov?

Anastasia Romanov was the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicolas II and Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna. She was born June 18 1901 and died July 17, 1918. It was long believed that she survived, but it is not true. The most famous impostor (there were several) of Anastasia was Anna Anderson, but her DNA was tested several times and does not match the Grand Duchess DNA. If you want to improve this answer feel free to do so, but PLEASE write facts and not something you have seen in a Disney movie or read in an unreliable source. When people ask questions they deserve to be told the truth. _______________________________________________ If Anna Anderson was Anastasia, the government or the " high people " of Russia would not want the people to know. Otherwise, they might have been a civil war to fight for Anna Anderson's rights. And, of course, the government would not want a civil war! Believe what you want to believe, but think about what I typed above.