21. Same in every state by federal law, to purchase from a dealer.
Ohio does not require a permit to purchase or possess an ordinary Title I firearm.
You need a lawyer for a legal and correct answer.
In the United States, 18 to purchase a shotgun or rifle, 21 to purchase a handgun.
NO! Convicted felons (violent or non-violent) cannot purchase or possess a firearm. It is the seriousness of the criminal offense, NOT whether it was violent, or not.
It would depend on what typr of firearm you wish to purchase. It would depend on what typr of firearm you wish to purchase.
you have to be at least 16 to purchase a car....
Legally, no. You must be 18 to purchase a rifle or shotgun, and 21 to purchase a handgun.
at an illegal firearms store? No one here is going to tell you how to acquire an illegal firearm. It is illegal to purchase a stolen firearm or for a felon to purchase a firearm.