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You must be 16 and the paperwork has to be filed by the minor

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Q: How old do you have to be to get emancipated in Florida?
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What is the legal age of emancipation in Florida?

The legal age of emancipation in Florida is 18 years old. However, minors can be emancipated through a court order if they are at least 16 years old and meet certain criteria.

Can a 16-year-old get emancipated without parents consent in Florida?

In the state of Florida a minor must be at least 16 in order to be emancipated. Even once they meet the age requirement, a minor who has been determined to be mentally unstable is not going to be able to get emancipated.

Can a sixteen-year-old in Florida with a good intact home become emancipated on his own?

yes but the whol3 thing about emancipation its a big contradiction. because you need parental concent to be emancipated

Can a 17 year old get emancipated in the state of Florida?

The legal age adult in the State of Florida is 18 years old. As such, anyone under 18 years of age cannot leave home, unless you have parental consent, or have been declared emancipated by a State or Federal judge.

What are the laws in Florida on a seventeen year old moving out?

im not 100% sure about florida, but in most of the U.S. you need to be emancipated OR have parental backing to move out under 18.

Can a 17 year old living in Florida move out with parental consent but not become legally emancipated?

Not until they are 18 years of age in Florida. Until then the parents determine where you live.

Can an emancipated 15-year-old legally marry a 20-year-old in Florida?

Yes if you are emancipated then the state has found you responsible as an adult at which you can do what ever you want but just be careful b-c now if you break the law you get charged as an adult. but to answer your question yes

What is the age of child emancipation in Florida Lake county?

In Florida, a child that is at least 15 years old can apply to be emancipated from their parents. It is ultimately up to the judge to make the decision though.

Are you considered emancipated after having a baby in the State of Florida?


Is it legal for a 17-year-old to move out of the state of Florida without parental consent?

Only if they are emancipated, otherwise they have to wait until they are 18.

Is a 17-year-old Florida minor an emancipated adult if she has a child?

No. Merely having a child does not emancipate a minor in any state of the US.

How old do you have to be to get emancipated in Kansas?

yes you can get emancipated in kansas