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You could get married at 16 with parental consent.

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Q: How old did you have to be in 1940 to get married in the UK Was 17 old enough?
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17 or 18.

Who is guardian of married 17 year old?

A married 17 year old no longer has a guardian. They are emancipated.

If the girl is 17 years old and the guy is 24 can they get married?

If a girl is 17 years old and the guy is 24 years old can they get married?

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When I married at 17 to a 19 year old, a parent ot guardian signature was required.

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Tabare Vazquez is 71 years old (birthdate: January 17, 1940).

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Can a 17 year old get married to a 32 year old in Massachusetts?

If the 17 year old has the permission of the parents.

In Washington State can a 17 year old move out if she is married?

Yes, in Washington State a 17 year old can move out if she is married. Marriage emancipates a minor, meaning they are considered legally independent and can make decisions regarding their living situation without parental consent.

Can a 17 year old child get married in Oklahoma?

Yes, they can get married at 17. It will require parental consent to do so.

Can a 17 yr old female get married to a 24 yr old man in North Carolina?

A 17 year old is still a minor and it is illegal for her to get married to a 24 year old man who is not a minor. However, with parents consent they can get married.