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18 years old is the legal age to buy and drink alcohol in Brazil.

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Q: How old can you drink in Brazil?
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What drink is Brazil famous for?

Jim Bean

Brazil produces the bean for one of the world's favorite drinks what is the drink?

The drink is coffee. Brazil coffee production amounts to about one third of all coffee in the world.

What kind of drinks do they drink do they drink in Brazil?

well i think beer can be non alcoholic.

Is beer or any other alcohol the national drink of any country?

Caipirinha is the national drink Brazil

How old is Brazil?

Brazil is 510 years old. Brazil was claimed by Portugal in April 1500, on the arrival of the Portuguese fleet commanded by Pedro Álvares Cabral.If you are referring to Brazil as a sovereign state, then it is 193 years old now as Brazil was founded on September 7, 1822.

Brazil produces the bean for one of the world's favourite drink?


How old do you have to be to vote in brazil?

To vote in Brazil, you have to be at least 16 years old. The minimum voting age was 18 prior to 1988. This was changed by Brazil's 1988 Constitution.

How old is Bobo Brazil?

Bobo Brazil was born on July 10, 1924 and died on January 20, 1998. Bobo Brazil would have been 73 years old at the time of death or 91 years old today.

How old is Pedro I of Brazil?

Pedro I of Brazil was born on October 12, 1798 and died on September 24, 1834. Pedro I of Brazil would have been 35 years old at the time of death or 216 years old today.

How old was ronaldo when he played for Brazil?

He was 18 years old.

How old do you need to be to be in a contract in Brazil?

14 Years Old

How old is Brazil's goalkeeper?

43 years old and he is retiring