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Q: How natural selection means there is more sickle cell anemia in Africa?
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Why would natural selection act against people with sickle cell anaemia in Europe?

because people in europe have not gotten used to sickle cell anemia because it is soo rare in europe

What type of anemia is a genetic disease commonly found among of Africa descent?

Sickle cell anemia

Why do people of Mediterranean and African decent have sickle cell anemia?

Sickle cell anemia is a inherited blood disorder. This means everyone who has sickle cell has inherited it from their parents. With this in mind it means there was a key ancestor in Africa or the Mediterranean who had the first sickle cell anemia and passed it on to their descendants.

Which genetic disease is common in areas like Africa where malaria is a danger?

Sickle Cell Anemia

Which form of anemia is a genetic disorder?

It sounds like you are looking for Sickle Cell Anemia.

How do you ge sickle cell anemia?

You get Sickle-Cell Anemia by Birth,it is a genetic disorder.

What is a genetic autoimmune difficiency in which blood cells look like a sickle It is not sickle cell anemia?

sickle cell anemia

Is sickle cells disease hereditary?

Sickle cell anemia -yes it is hereditary

What are people with sickle cell resistant to?

Sickle cell anemia provides resistance to malaria - it is ideal for many people in Africa that live in mosquito rampant areas.

Is Sickle cell anemia genetic?

Yes, Sickle Cell Anemia is in fact a genetic disorder.

Is sickle cell anemia a point mutation?

An example of point-mutation is sickle-cell anemia. Sickle-cell disease is hereditary.

Is sickle cell anemia recessive or dominant?

Sickle cell anemia is an autosomal recessive disease. Carriers have sickle cell trait, which confers resistance to malaria.