it varies on car to car, gennarly you can buy a set of wheel bearings for about 150$
How do you fix a rear wheel bearing for a Lexus ls400
There is no wheel barrel on any car. Do you mean wheel bearing? Newer cars have wheel hubs that contain the bearings. You change the whole wheel hub. Older cars had bearings you could change.
replacing rear wheel bearings on frontera B
tighten the chasity and wheel bearings
If you don't replace bad wheel bearings they will seize up and break your drive axle. It would be cheaper to replace them as soon as possible.See "Related Questions" below for detailed procedures for replacing Windstar wheel bearings - really not a terrible job to do.
Front left and right wheel bearings going bad make grinding and crackling sound especially when you turn left or right. When they start going bad, the issue will grow worse very quickly. Time is not on your side with this. A few hundred dollar fix can turn much more expensive if left unattended.
Brakes or wheel bearings. Have it looked into ASAP.
you dont,you take it to a shop and pay them 500 dollars to fix it
Sounds as if the wheel bearings have gone dry ... or ... one of your brake pads is not releasing. Have this checked out by an auto mechanic as soon as possible to prevent further damage and costlier repairs.
a steering wheel srevice means that if you have power sterring in your car they fix it. they also fix ur aliignment
you could get a similar wheel to replace it
From my experience with this problem it isn't the steering wheel that is shaking but your U joints could be bad or something else under the car. Get it to a mechanic. Can't give a cost for this.