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what do you mean by marginal lands?

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Q: How much the marginal lands in Africa?
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Which is most threaten by desertification corplands forested areas marginal lands and wilderness area?

Marginal Land

Why is much of the lands in Africa difficult to farm?

Because Africa is dry, and there is not much water for what is expected.

A sentence using the word marginal?

Africa's desert region contains marginal land.

What are the grass lands of South Africa?

The Grass lands of South Africa are called the Savanna.

What has the author Leonard Berry written?

Leonard Berry has written: 'Alternative and sustainable systems of production and livelihood in marginal lands' -- subject- s -: Rural industries, Agriculturally marginal lands, Sustainable development, Appropriate technology, Alternative agriculture, Rural development

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I think that the answer to that question is (1) the creoles

Who worked on the immense estates or worked as farmers on marginal lands in Latin America?

I think that the answer to that question is (1) the creoles

What is a sentence using the word margin?

The margin on the paper was very thick.

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Use marginal lands year after year with modest environmental damage.

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What lands did dutch claim?

South Africa

In the savanna lands of West Africa which valuable resource was needed by the inhabitants?

Salt is the most valuable resource that was needed by the inhabitants in the savanna lands of West Africa =)