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Depending on the source one consults, Australia has between 6.1 and 6.6 % arable land. Although this does not sound like much, given Australia's total area it is quite a significant amount. Australia is the world's ninth-largest agricultural producer, and one of the world's major exporters of food. According to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Australian food producers - both on land and aquatic - are capable of producing enough food to feed an estimated 80 million people per year.

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10y ago

According to a 2009 World Bank report, Australia's arable land makes up 6.14% of the total land on the continent.

Despite this, Australia is capable of being self-sufficient, able to grow virtually any crop or food. In reality, 55.5 % of the continent is used for agriculture, as much of land is suitable for sheep and cattle.

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Approximately 5.2 % of the earths total land area.

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7.692 million square kilometres, give or take a few.

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