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Q: How much of the energy produced in ny state comes from nuclear plants?
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What is the relationship between solar energy produced by the sun to nuclear energy your facilities use?

Energy produced in the sun arises from nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei, whilst nuclear energy used in power plants comes from fission of uranium nuclei. They are very different.

What percent of electric power in Ecuador comes from nuclear power plants?

0, Ecuador has no nuclear energy plants.

Is all nuclear energy produced the same way?

All useful nuclear energy produced on Earth comes from nuclear fission of U-235 and/or Pu-239, in a variety of different reactor designs. In the stars it comes from fusion of hydrogen, not fission.

Does 68 percent of eletrical energy in the united States produced by nuclear fuel?

No. Only about 20% of the nations energy comes from nuclear fission.

Why is the power produced by nuclear weapons so great?

the energy comes from the strong nuclear force, which is almost unbelievably powerful.

What is the definition of uranium energy?

Uranium energy refers to the energy produced through the process of nuclear fission of uranium atoms. This energy is harnessed in nuclear power plants to generate electricity. It is a form of low-carbon energy but comes with concerns related to nuclear waste disposal and safety.

What is nuclear energy like?

Nuclear energy is produced by splitting atoms in a process called nuclear fission. This generates a large amount of heat, which is used to produce steam that drives turbines to generate electricity. Nuclear energy is a low-carbon energy source but comes with risks such as nuclear accidents and long-term storage of radioactive waste.

What is neuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is the energy released during nuclear reactions, typically through processes such as nuclear fission or fusion. This energy is harnessed to produce electricity in nuclear power plants. Nuclear energy is a low-carbon source of energy, but it also comes with potential risks such as accidents and the production of radioactive waste.

Why is the nuclear energy called nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is called so because it refers to the energy released from the nucleus of an atom through processes like fission or fusion. This energy is harnessed in nuclear power plants to generate electricity.

Where does the energy generated by nuclear power plants come from?

The energy generated by nuclear power plants comes from the process of nuclear fission, where the nucleus of an atom is split, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of heat. This heat is then used to create steam, which drives turbines to generate electricity.

Where does nucler energy come from?

Nuclear energy comes from the process of splitting atoms, a reaction called nuclear fission. During this process, energy is released in the form of heat, which is used to generate electricity in nuclear power plants.

What kind of energy is produced when particle of metal are split into two?

Nuclear energy is released when uranium or plutonium nuclei are fissioned (split). Not clear what you mean by "particle", but nuclear energy only comes from a nuclear process, not a mechanical or chemical one.