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Q: How much money do private investigators make in Canada?
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How much do private investigor get paid?

Private investigators can earn varying amounts depending on their experience, location, and the complexity of the case. On average, private investigators can make between $40,000 to $80,000 per year. More experienced investigators or those specializing in high-demand areas may earn even more.

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the bank of canada lost money

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to make money

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Why do CSI make so much money?

because they are Crime Scene Investigators why wouldn't they, it is their job to show who is a suspect and who is a victim/innocent.

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To make money.

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Where do they make Canadian paper money?

Canadian paper money is produced by the Canadian Bank Note Company, a private company located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. They have been the sole printer of Canadian banknotes since 1935.

What does a Process service charge?

Process Service is a field where every Private Investigator gets involved. An average of how much Process Services are charged could be at $50 and the Private Investigators make a healthy living just by providing Process Services.

In the state of Maryland how much does a criminal investigator make?

Maryland is one of five top states in which criminal investigators make more money. In Maryland, a criminal investigator that works for the state averages $75,390 per year. Federal criminal investigators in Maryland average $91,200 per year.

How do a private investigator use their critical thinking?

Private investigators use their critical thinking skills to analyze evidence, information, and situations with a focus on logic and reasoning. They assess different possibilities, evaluate the credibility of sources, and make informed decisions to solve cases effectively. Their ability to think critically helps them to uncover hidden details, connect dots, and ultimately provide accurate and reliable information to their clients.

What is the role of private prisons?

Private prisons today have a very simple role: to make money by minimizing costs.